
: .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., ..
: 2024
: ..
: 111
: .., .., .. . // . 111. .: , 2024. .286-305. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2024.111.12
: , , ,
(.): electromechanical actuator, UAV, diagnostics, life-cycle tests
: (), , . , , ( ) ( ). , , (), - , , , . , , . , .
(.): The work is devoted to the creation of a technology for obtaining and accumulating experimental data during electromechanical actuator (EMA) life tests, necessary for the intelligent analysis algorithms development that provide EMA early diagnostics for aircraft condition-based maintenance. A life tests program and methodology have been developed that make it possible to accelerate EMA components wear processes and obtain data on functioning when reproducing loading cyclograms corresponding to ground testing during pre-flight preparation (active experiment) and during the flight of the aircraft (passive experiment). An early diagnostics system prototype has been created, which includes a bench installation that provides elastic or weight mechanical loading of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) EMA, and a software and hardware data collection complex that provides measurement and registration of physical quantities associated with the EMA work processes in various operating conditions and various technical conditions caused by wear. It is proposed to use physical quantities of electrical, mechanical, thermal and vibroacoustic nature as diagnostic signals. The results of UAV EMA life tests samples are presented, which made it possible to clarify the test program in terms of existing loads.
: 199, : 3988, : 14.
© 2007.
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