:   , ..
:  2022
:   ..
:  100
:   , .. // . 100. .: , 2022. .59-77. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2022.100.3
:   , , , ,
(.):  adaptive control, MIMO systems, identification, multisinusoidal signal, delay
:   . . . , . , , . . , .   . . MATLAB Simulink. , , .
(.):  The paper considers the problem of compensation of multisinusoidal disturbances for linear MIMO system with delay in control. The problem of compensation of external disturbances for linear multichannel objects with delay at the input is important and relevant. Asolution to this problem is proposed in problems of control of dynamic objects and in a number of others. The proposed method is based on the principle of indirect adaptation, where it is necessary to identify the perturbation parameters. At the first stage, a scheme for extracting a perturbation is described, which is represented as a sinusoidal signal with an unknown frequency, amplitude, and phase. At the second stage, the problem ofidentifying the frequencies of sinusoidal and multisinusoidal signals is solved. At the last stage, an object stabilization algorithm was developed, implemented using feedback. This paper presents a new scheme for compensating external disturbances for linear multichannel plants with input delay. A new algorithm for identifying the frequencies of a multisinusoidal signal is proposed. The analysis of the possibilities of the proposed estimation method using computer simulation in the MATLAB Simulink environment is carried out. The developed method can be effectively applied to a wide class of applied tasks related to the control of robots, manipulators for various purposes.


: 884, : 852, : 7.

© 2007.