:   ..
:   -
:  2022
:   ..
:  98
:   .. - // . 98. .: , 2022. .44-59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2022.98.3
:   , , , ,
(.):  intelligent tutoring systems, abductive reasoning, deductive inference, artificial intelligence, intelligent control, mathematical logic
:   . (). . L. L .
(.):  With the rapid development of technology, computer learning is increasingly being integrated with artificial intelligence methods in order to develop more personalized educational systems. These systems are known as Intelligent Learning Systems (ITS). The possibility of using logical methods to expand the ITS functionality is considered. A method of automatic generation of exercises by means of deduction of the L language is proposed. A method of automatic generation of exercises according to a given specification by means of abduction of the L language is proposed.


: 965, : 230, : 9.

© 2007.