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:  2020
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:  84
:   .. // . 84. .: , 2020. .152-176.DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2020.84.8
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(.):  index of existence of a problem, health care system, mathematical express analysis, system analysis, management of organizational systems.
:   . -, , , , . , , . . , , . . ..
(.):  The features of system approach application for efficiency assessment of management process in a health sector are presented in the article. The indexes of problems existence describing the research object and the mathematical express analysis used for processing of statistical data and also for sociological information are the basis of this approach. The procedure presented in this article and indexes calculation method of problems existence allows to range the obtained data by risk factors influence on management process. It also allows authorities to form plans and decisions about management of the revealed problems. The stated material promotes achievement of the required result without complication of the procedure of processing and the analysis of information. Formation of conclusions and recommendations is based on provisions of the theory of system analysis, the theory of management of organizational systems, methods of statistical data analysis. The example of application of the specified technique in the course of the comparative analysis of activity of private medical institutions and municipalities is given. Assessment of a condition of a health care system of Novokuznetsk is received.


: 2200, : 762, : 18.

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