:   ..
:  2019
:   ..
:  82
:   .. // . 82. .: , 2019. .61-73. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2019.82.4
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(.):  recommender systems, healthcare, hospitals purchase optimization
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(.):  Recommender systems are wide spread in Internet services: contextual advertising, movies and music interesting for an user, selection of goods and services in online stores. Algorithms take into account users' profiles, history of requests and sales and the data about similar users. These algorithms develop very fast and show its effectiveness, its implementation increase the service attendance and sales. Healthcare is the new area of recommender systems application. It is collected a huge amount of medical data such as medical records, mortality and morbidity databases, treatment protocols, and even health data continuously monitored by special sensors. Ones develop intelligent systems for primary care, choosing the treatment, daily human health tracking. The article provides the general introduction to the recommender systems, the literature review of recommender systems usage in the healthcare, and also addresses the problem of building recommender systems for optimizing hospital procurement.


: 2636, : 24595, : 17.

© 2007.