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:  2019
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:  78
:   .. - // . 78. .: , 2019. .235-249. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2019.78.10
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(.):  optimization of repairs of heat network sections, definition of a complex indicator of the site's condition, optimization of diagnostics of heat networks
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(.):  The paper continues the study of the repair work optimization problem for engineering networks and is devoted to the application of these results for the practical assessment of the network section state and information support for decision making about extension of its service life. Three tasks were formulated for this: determining the optimal replacement period of the network's section, determining the integrated technical and economic indicator of the section status and selecting the best method for its diagnosis. These tasks were solved using the example of a heat supply network. During the study, it is became necessary to disclose in more detail some issues of repair optimization of engineering network sections, concerning section life cycle analysis and damage flow modeling in order to determine the dependency function of the total cost for maintenance from the time. It was shown that the damages flow on the heat pipeline section is described quite accurately by the Weibull distribution. The construction methods for dependency functions of the total number of damages and total maintenance costs from the time, using statistical data about section damages are suggested. riteria for the best diagnostic method, a complex indicator, and the optimal period of a section replacing as a point of time at which the unit costs for its maintenance reach their minimum were constructed using this function.


: 2402, : 813, : 145.

© 2007.