: ..,
: 2018
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: 76
: .., .. // . 76. .: , 2018. .254-265. URL: URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2018.76.9
: , , ,
(.): the database management system, real-time systems, heuristic algorithms, optimization
: , . , , . , . , , , , . : () ( ), () , . : , , . .
(.): The problem of minimizing the redundancy of information in the real-time database, which affects the time of access to the database and the implementation of modules is studied. A set of software modules that use information from a set of fields with a known frequency of filling in real-time information is specified. The problem is solved if all modules are completed by the specified time. The complexity of this problem is caused by possible modules dependency (may work in a certain sequence) and the difficulty to allocate sufficient computing resources and time for real-time optimization. Therefore, the solution developed by the authors in the instrumental CAD real time systems is divided into two stages: (a) the preliminary stage (not in real time), which is the formation of groups of close modules and (b)the stage of solving the problem in real time, using the performed at the preliminary stage of optimization of the location of fields in files. The information redundancy of three types is defined: intra-file, cross-file, intra-module. A special model of the designed database is proposed and analytical formulas for calculating the number of fields not used by the modules are constructed.
: 2772, : 1816, : 14.