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:  2018
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:  76
:   .. - // . 76. .: , 2018. .117-172. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2018.76.5
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(.):  governing of socio-technical systems; complex activity; lifecycle; technology
:   - () . , , . , : . , ? , - . , , , . ( ) . .
(.):  General problems of governing of socio-technical systems (STS) are analyzed in the context of harmonizing the interoperable life cycles of the corresponding structural elements of the activity. The system of theses fixing connections between complex activity and STS, features of STS as a subject of management is formulated. Synthesis and concretization are defined as the means of solving the problem. It has been revealed that the problem of managing STS should be solved taking into account the needs to eliminate measurable uncertainty by including scenarios of reaction to measurable uncertainty in consideration, as well as allow for the possibility of multiple consecutive decisions due to the occurrence of true uncertainty events during the life cycles of elements of integrated activity . It is shown that the problem of managing an STS is solved, generally speaking, at all phases and stages of the life cycles of their activities. The creation of technology components (including management components) in the form of information models at the synthesis stage has a decisive influence on the effectiveness and efficiency of integrated activities. The final list of basic tasks of the management of the STS is defined.


: 2743, : 2226, : 136.

© 2007.