:   . .
:  2016
:   ..
:  60
:   . . / . 60. .: , 2016. .139-160.
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:   , , , , ,
(.):  Granovetter model, threshold behavior, conformism, transfer equation, Hamiltonian system, Schrodinger equation.
:   [6] , . [7]. . , . , .
(.):  In this paper the model of collective conformal behavior proposed in [6] and originally motivated by M.Granovetter [7] is investigated. Probabilistic foundations of the model are considered at micro level. The model properties are studied in the case when the number of agents tends to infinity and it is shown that the transport equation holds. It is proved that the system trajectories coincide with trajectories of an isolated Hamiltonian system.


: 3734, : 1326, : 17.

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