:   . ., . .
:  2016
:   ..
:  60
:   . ., . . / . 60. .: , 2016. .119-138.
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:   , , , , , , .
(.):  trading network, reflexive game, imperfect information, information equilibrium, Cournot equilibrium, Stackelberg equilibrium and disequilibrium, information impact.
:   . () () , . . .
(.):  The paper formulates and investigates the conditions for the existence of informative equilibrium in competitive commodity market under the assumptions of a wrong mutual awareness among competitors. Our framework is a multi-agent model of the trading network center (manufacturer) agents (mediators) consumers with linear inverse demand function and cost functions, and agents can act either by Cournot or Stackelberg. The center reveals the information about its objective function as an information impact on agents. The obtained results are discussed.


: 3714, : 1264, : 15.

© 2007.