:   . .
:  2011
:   ..
:  35
:   . . / . 35. .: , 2011. .265-282.
:   , - , ,
(.):  inertial navigation system, correlation-extremal navigation system, Earth's magnetic field gradient, Kalman filter
:   - . - . , . .
(.):  Information capacity of the Earths magnetic field gradient parameters is analyzed in the context of solving the navigation problem with the correlation-extreme method. The navigation algorithms are suggested for the design with coupling of a magnetic-gradiometry-based correlation-extremal system and an inertial navigation system. Integration is supported by the solution of the inertial navigation correction problem, which is reduced to the standard form of a linear stochastic optimal estimation problem. This problem is solved with Kalman filtering and smoothing methods.


: 5255, : 1933, : 15.

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