: Germeier Yu.B.
: Non-antagonistic games
( ): D. Reidel Publishing company, Dordrecht, Holland
: 1986
: Germeier Yu.B. Non-antagonistic games (translated by Anatol Rapoport). Theory and decision library, volume 46. Dordrecht, Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co., Hingham, MA. 1986. xiv+331 pp. Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Originally published by Nauka, 1976, under the title: Igry s neprotivopolozhnymi interesami.
Bibliography: p. 320-327.
: The reality around us constantly demonstrates physical and social processes in which the interests of the participants are not diametrically opposed, though they by no means always coincide. The study of such processes (interesting in its own right) is essential for working out ways of making decisions, that is, for choosing among available parameters of the processes.
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