:   .., ..
:  111
:   ,
:  2024
:   .., .. // . 111. .: , 2024. .306-330. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2024.111.13
:   , , ,
(.):  random variable intensity, numerical simulation of Markov process, discussion of simulation optimization, modeling of random variable using intensity
:   -- . , ~ -- . , . "" . , "" .
(.):  In the past, the authors proposed a method for modeling of random variable using intensity which is one of the characteristics of the distribution function. The results of testing this method to simulate the behaviour of a stochastic model, specifically a model of a pair of recoverable dependent elements, are presented. The model under studys behavior can be studied analytically by selecting the characteristics of periods of failure-free operation and recovery periods. Simulation modeling using both the ``classical method and the method of modeling random variables by intensity yielded results. The availability factor behaviour of the model under study was compared to an analytical solution based on these results. The analytical solution was compared to numerical experiments to arrive at the following conclusion: the classical modeling method does not outperform the accuracy of modeling the behaviour of a random process using the method of modeling random variables using intensities.


: 221, : 44, : 10.

© 2007.