:   .., ..
:  111
:  2024
:   .., .. // . 111. .: , 2024. .266-285. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2024.111.11
:   , , , , ,
(.):  autonomous underwater vehicle, bottom relief, bathymetric map, Kriging algorithm, search for the shortest path on a graph
:   , . . - ; . . . , . . . : 1520%, .
(.):  A method based on bathymetric and physical maps of the World Ocean has been developed to select a bypass path around a complex obstacle. It has been proposed to use the Kriging algorithm to go from mesorelief to minirelief. It has been proposed to consider a depth grid in the form of an oriented weighted graph to determine the most energy-efficient bypass path around complex obstacles. The conditions for the shortest path on the graph to be the most energy efficient way have been determined. An algorithm for enumerating bypass path options with pruning has been developed, based on the "depth-first graph search" algorithm. The advantage of using the proposed method for selecting a bypass option over the traditionally proposed bypasses from above or from the side of the obstacle has been shown in an example of bypassing a complex obstacle. The results of the conducted numerical experiments confirmed the correctness of the proposed solution: the reduction of the path for the considered variant of the obstacle was 15-20%, which makes it possible to implement the proposed method of selecting an energy-efficient spatial path to bypass a complex obstacle in the control system of an autonomous underwater vehicle.


: 175, : 49, : 12.

© 2007.