: ..,
: 111
: 2024
: .., .. // . 111. .: , 2024. .247-265. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2024.111.10
: , , , , , -
(.): material balance model, flooding system, well interference mask, entropy, forecast, capacitance resistive model
: . . , . - CRM (capacitance-resistive models, - ), . . . . , . , 60 , 160 17 . , , . , .
(.): At the final stage of oil field development, an urgent problem is to maintain acceptable levels of oil production through operational flooding management. The complexity is compounded by the increasing number of wells operating in the field and the variability of the process of their interaction. This requires new approaches that consider these trends in oil production. A popular approach for analyzing the effectiveness of oilfield flooding systems in recent years has been the use of proxy models of the CRM family (capacitance-resistive models), which are mathematical models of material balance. At the same time, the inverse problem is solved to determine the model parameters. However, the small size of the data samples and the large number of functioning wells in the flooding system limits the effective practical application of this approach. The purpose of the article is to increase the efficiency of monitoring water flooding systems by reducing the size of the training data sample and expanding the scale of the analyzed systems from several tens to hundreds of wells. Two algorithms focused on large dimensions and small data samples are proposed. They were tested on model data in which there were 60 injection and 160 production wells, and 17 observations and random errors were present. The injectivity of injection wells is actual data from a real water flooding system. The flow rates of production wells are model values, taking into account random errors present in practice. These algorithms have demonstrated acceptable characteristics both in terms of accuracy and speed, and if possible, their application for forecasting.
: 743, : 40, : 11.