:   ..
:  110
:  2024
:   .. // . 110. .: , 2024. .295-309. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2024.110.11
:   , , , ,
(.):  power system, modal analysis, Prony analysis, Lyapunov equation, spectral decomposition
:   () . : . . . , . .
(.):  The problem of stability estimation for modern electric power systems (EPS) remains particularly relevant due to the trends in the development of generation and consumption structures. Lyapunov Modal Analysis (LMA) combines two approaches to stability analysis of systems and EPS in particular: modal analysis and spectral decompositions of Lyapunov functions. This work continues the investigation of the possibilities of conducting measurement-based Lyapunov modal analysis. The main problem is numerical evaluation of the performance of such modal analysis implementation depending on the identification method used and the values of its parameters. The work proposes a method for such evaluation, refines the conclusions of previous research, and demonstrates the influence of non-linear distortions of the identified signal on the result. Additionally, the work suggests further directions for the development of this area.


: 258, : 75, : 11.

© 2007.