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: 109
: 2024
: .., .., .., - // . 109. .: , 2024. .268-292. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2024.109.12
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(.): infocommunication system, resource scheduler, data processing center, virtual machine placement, energy efficiency
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(.): With the development of cloud technologies, the development of methods and algorithms for a resource scheduler for cloud data centers is an urgent task, as evidenced by the continuous flow of works devoted to this topic. The criteria for the best allocation of resources can be different, such as energy efficiency, fulfillment of service level agreements, reliability and others. Based on the analyzed works, models, methods and algorithms for resource distribution were selected and developed, the complex of which forms the basis of the distributed resource scheduler architecture proposed in this article for an infocommunication system of a cloud data center based on multi-criteria optimization of its characteristics and features of live migration of virtual machines. The effectiveness of the models and methods used has been confirmed by simulation modeling and makes it possible to reduce energy consumption when meeting quality of service indicators.
: 436, : 1308, : 82.