:   .., .., ..
:  109
:  2024
:   .., .., .. // . 109. .: , 2024. .198-219. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2024.109.9
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(.):  navigation complex, astroinertial navigation system, course, solar sensor, tests
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(.):  The necessity of providing secure movement for mobile vehicles requires applying high precision reliable navigation complex. Nowadays one of the actual problem is how to increase the precision of course determining device for navigation complexes works during a long time, in a special case on board of nautical objects. Methods of course determining by using inertial systems are widely spread, but because of restraints cased by technological limits of inertial sensors manufacturing the periodical aiding of inertial system with data from another source is needed to provide high precision of navigation complexes works during a long time. The highest accuracy for course determining inertial system correction provides astronomical methods. There are various astronomical sensors designed for observing the celestial objects with different characteristics. This article is devoted to the problems of using modern solar sensors for correcting course values, determined by inertial sensors, as a parts of astroinertial navigation system. The theoretical conditions which bases the method of object course determining by Sun observing are considered. The mathematical models of astroinertial system sensors measurements and mathematical expressions which used for course calculation are formulated. The conditions and results of the experiment which executed for qualitative estimation of accuracy achieved by using the prototype of astroinertial system for determine the course by Sun observations are presented. The concise information about the construction of the prototype used for experiment execution is noted.


: 374, : 82, : 9.

© 2007.