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: 108
: 2024
: .. , // . 108. .: , 2024. .57-77. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2024.108.4
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(.): border security, state border protection, security levels, aggregate detention function, border deterrence, security density, density of border forces, model
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(.): Based on the methods of management theory and the doctrine of border security, an approach has been formulated to substantiate the density of border forces that ensure reliable protection of state borders. Taking into account the provisions of military science and border statistics data, the required probabilities of detaining violators were assigned for three levels of security (high, medium, minimum). For economically motivated border violators, the justification for the required security density is made using models of border deterrence and the aggregated detention function. Using an example, the methodology for substantiating average security densities is considered. For border violators with non-economic motives (sabotage and terrorist groups), their deterrence is ensured by achieving the required probability of their detention (neutralization). In this case, the required security densities are calculated using the functions of border forces and means, analytical and simulation models. Asimplified method for calculating the probabilities of apprehending violators is presented. The numerical values of the model parameters are estimated using a sufficient amount of border statistics data. A promising area of research is the formation of apromising image of border units.
: 405, : 116, : 10.