:   .., .., ..
:   M^[n]/GI/1
:  108
:  2024
:   .., .., .. M[n]/GI/1 // . 108. .: , 2024. .22-39. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2024.108.2
:  RQ-, , ,
(.):  retrial queue system, feedback, arbitrary distributed service time, remaining time
:   , . . . -- . , , . . -- , -- . . . ~, . , - .
(.):   single server queuing system with Poisson batch incoming stream, repeated calls, instant and delayed feedbacks is considered. It is assumed that service time is distributed according to an arbitrary law, and the service durations are independent of each other. When the server is busy, incoming customers are sent into orbit. The problem is to investigate a random process of the number of customers in orbit. When compiling the Kolmogorov equations for the system, an additional variable is used - the remaining service time. The resulting system of equations is solved by the method of asymptotic analysis under the condition of a large delay of customers in orbit. As a result, a stationary probability distribution for the number of customers in orbit was found. The resulting asymptotic distribution is compared with the distribution found in previous papers for the case of an exponentially distributed service time. A numerical example is considered for a system in which the service duration has a gamma distribution with different parameters.


: 438, : 110, : 7.

© 2007.