:   .., .., ..
:   : , ( DEA-)
:  106
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:  2023
:   .., .., .. : , ( DEA-) // . 106. .: , 2023. .218-245. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2023.106.8
:   (), , DEA-, ,
(.):  regional innovation systems (RIS), Arctic regions, DEA-analysis, structural relationships of RIS elements, scenarios for the development of RIS
:   , . DEA- (Data Envelopment Analysis). , (). 1 () , () , , , . 2 () : , , , () , , , . () DEA. . .
(.):  The purpose of this work is to identify the features of structural relationships between elements of innovation systems that are relevant for the formation of effective models for managing the innovative development of the Arctic regions. The study used the DEA analysis (Data Envelopment Analysis) tools. The objects of the study are regions that are fully or partially included in the European part of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF). Model 1 considers research costs and technological innovation costs as cost (input) parameters, and emissions of pollutants into the air, labor productivity, number of developed technologies, number of technologies used as resulting (output) parameters. In Model 2, the cost (input) parameters are: research costs, technological innovation costs, emissions of pollutants into the air; the resulting (output) parameters labor productivity, number of developed technologies, number of technologies used, volume of innovative products. As part of the results obtained, a methodological approach is proposed to identify the types of structural relationships between elements of the regional innovation system (RIS) using DEA tools. The effectiveness of the interrelationship structures between the elements of the RIS that have developed in the regions under consideration has been assessed. Scenarios for transition from actual to optimal values of RIS parameters have been developed.


: 559, : 134, : 9.

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