: ..,
: 106
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: 2023
: .., .., .. // . 106. .: , 2023. .96-137. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2023.106.4
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(.): controlled dynamic systems; opportunistic behavior; public goods economics; resource allocation; simulation modeling
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(.): This article is devoted to the building and investigation of SPICE-models of reproduction and allocatio of a resource in a hierarchically controlled tree-like dynamical system with consideration of possible opportunistic behavior of the agents. An original concept of balance relations for the resource is proposed. Ageneral structure of the model for a three-level control subsystem is described. investigation of specific cases of the mentioned models are presented. Illustrative examples of the analytical and numerical investigation of specific cases of the mentioned models with different information structure of dynamic games are presented.
: 459, : 133, : 10.