:   .., ..
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:  103
:  2023
:   .., .. + // . 103. .: , 2023. .190-202. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2023.103.8
:  , , <<>>,
(.):  identification, dynamic systems, indicator "Arrow", pilot behavior
:   , . << + >> 60- . , . , , . -- <<>>. , <<>>. << + >>. ( -- , ) 1- , . , .
(.):  The solution of the problem of the structure determining of a controlled dynamic system and the formation of the corresponding control laws requires a detailed analysis of real experimental data, identification methods. Methods for identifying models of behavior of <<aircraft + pilot>> systems have been successfully developed since the 60s of the last century. Manned aviation occupies a leading position in relation to unmanned systems, respectively, the relevance of such tasks remains to this day. When performing flights, the pilot relies on navigation information displayed on various indicators located in the cockpit of the aircraft. An example of such a pilot indicator is an indicator of type <<Arrow>>. This article is devoted to the analysis of real flight data of four aircraft, the pilots of which flew according to information from the <<Arrow>> indicator. According to the results of the analysis and with the help of computer simulation, the parameters of four dynamic models <<aircraft + pilot>> were identified. The models are linear closed (pilot-regulator closing control loop) dynamic systems of the 1st order, described in the form of transfer functions. The results of experiments performed on the simulator using each of the models are presented.


: 641, : 935, : 9.

© 2007.