: ..
: 101
: 2023
: .. // . 101. .: , 2023. .123-139. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2023.101.7
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(.): wheeled robot, realizable trajectory, dynamic oscillator, design constraints, sigma function
: , , . , . , . , . . . , , S- , , . , , . , , .
(.): Planning the path of an autonomous wheeled robot can pose problems such as ensuring motion safety, smoothness and bounded curvature of the path and its rate of change, considering the design constraints of the robot as a mechanical control object. The joint solution of these problems can lead to cumbersome analytical calculations that are not realizable in real-time. In this paper, we propose to simplify and automate the generation of planar paths for a wheeled robot, which will solve both of these problems. At the first stage, a primitive path is constructed in the form of a flat polyline. The second stage solves the problem of smoothing the articulation of the polyline. Instead of geometric calculations, a dynamic generator is designed as a copy of the equations of motion of the robot. The synthesis of the generator's correcting actions, which simulate the robot's control actions, is based on the decomposition method and S-shaped smooth and constrained nonlinear feedbacks. This ensures that the design constraints of the robot on velocity, acceleration and control torques are met, and the output variables of the generator will generate a naturally smoothed path with acceptable curvature when tracking the coordinates of the reference nonsmooth trajectory.
: 673, : 264, : 103.