: ..
: 100
: 2022
: .. // . 100. .: , 2022. .174-193. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2022.100.8
: , , , , ,
(.): aircraft gas turbine engine, selector, adaptive fuzzy group controller, adaptive fuzzifier, defuzzifier, batcher
: () , . ( , ( ), ()). . . . - . . ( ). . , .
(.): An aircraft gas turbine engine (GTE) of aircraft from the point of view of control theory is a complex nonlinear object, the frame mathematical description of which is known a priori. During the operation of a gas turbine engine, continuous monitoring of parameters is required (gas temperature behind the combustion chamber, the rotor speed of the low-pressure compressor (free turbine), the rotor speed of the high-pressure turbocharger (gas generator). Further development of the control of the gas turbine engine can be associated with the use of fuzzy control. The aim of the study is to improve The adaptive fuzzy group controller allows taking into account the values of several circuits by the weighted average method when forming the control action on the fuel dispenser into the combustion chamber of the gas turbine engine. changing operating conditions. The developed adaptive fuzzy group controller allows you to replace the standard selector and ensure adaptability to changing operating conditions of the gas turbine engine. The new controller is characterized by the best values for assessing the probability of failure-free operation of the electronic engine controller. The results of the research can be used to control the fuel dispenser into the combustion chamber of the gas turbine engine. The resulting adaptive fuzzy group controller will significantly reduce the uncertainty in the operation of the combustion chamber, providing a guaranteed thrust of the aircraft.
: 846, : 920, : 7.