: ..
: MPC -
: 95
: 2022
: .. MPC - // . 95. .: , 2022. .119-135. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2022.95.7
: , , -,
(.): model predictive control, control system, self-balancing robot, mathematical model
: Model Predictive Control (MPC) Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)- -. . , , Boston Dynamics. - , , . , . MPC , . MatlabSimulink MIMO-, .
(.): The purpose of this work is solving the problem of designing a control system based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) for a linear Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system of a two-wheeled self-balancing robot. These robots have become popular projects of many companies nowadays. One of the most famous companies engaged in the development of humanoid robots Boston Dynamics among them. Nevertheless, the idea of creating such type of robots did not pass by amateur engineers from all over the world, who began develop two-wheeled self-balancing robot for use as office assistants, vehicles and just for academic interest. The paper considers the process of constructing a mathematical model of the robot's mechanical system and linearization of the resulting model is performed. The basic principles of constructing an MPC-based control system for linear systems without external disturbances, as well as using an observer to evaluate the states ofthe model under the influence of additive white Gaussian noise are presented. Examples of implementation in the Matlab/Simulink environment for the case of aMIMO system, which is a model of a two-wheeled robot, are given.
: 1386, : 304, : 8.