:   ..
:  91
:   -
:  2021
:   .. // . 91. .: , 2021. .96-119. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2021.91.4
:  - , ,
(.):  production and transport systems, mathematical model, market pricing
:   - . . , - (). () , (). . , , . , . (MCP), , (MPEC). .
(.):  We present formulation and methods for solving the problem of spatial development production and transport systems (PTS). The problem is being studied in two versions. In the first version, the PTS include a coordinating unit and a set of production units (enterprises) and transport infrastructure that connects production units with regions (markets) of consumption. In this case, the problem of choosing an investment program for the development of PTS is formulated as an optimization problem with continuous and integer variables. In the second version, we assume that the coordination of investment programs for the development of PTS units is carried out using market mechanisms. The problem statement is proposed, which is formulated as a set of interrelated nonlinear optimization problems with coupled variables. To select the strategic behavior of companies, methods are proposed for reducing the original problem to solving the mixed complementarity problem (MCP), as well as methods developed for solving programming problems with equilibrium constraints (MPEC). The prospects and directions of using the proposed methods for solving applied problems of spatial development of infrastructural systems are discussed.


: 1705, : 514, : 11.

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