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: 87
: 2020
: .. // . 87. .: , 2020. .26-46. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2020.87.2
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(.): wireless network, selfish routing, signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio
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(.): The paper considers a game-theoretic model of selfish base station selection in a wireless network, where each player tries to increase his signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio. A system of integral equations is constructed for a model of n players distributed over a segment with a certain density. The solution of the system gives equilibrium strategies for choosing base stations. We also investigate the problem of optimal placement of base stations on a segment where the owners of base stations maximize the number of their subscribers, who act according to the strategies in the previous model. Systems of integral equations are constructed, the solution of which gives strategies for the placement of base stations for two scenarios: socially optimal and selfish behavior of station owners. Software has been developed for numerical finding and visualization of solutions for these models.
: 2436, : 471, : 8.