:   ..
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:  85
:  2020
:   .. : // . 85. .: , 2020. .6-22. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2020.85.1
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(.):  public administration, performance management, results-based budgeting
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(.):  In order to organize the implementation of domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation, to regulate the socio-economic sphere, to ensure the unity of the Executive power system in the Russian Federation, to direct and control the activities of its bodies, to form state programs and ensure their implementation, as well as to exercise the right of legislative initiative, how can we approach the creation and ensuring the effective work of Federal Executive bodies? To date, the legal framework for organizing the work of ministries and departments has been defined. At the same time, it has not yet been established how to carry out this activity in practice, and what methodologies to apply. Based on the practical experience of creating and implementing projects to improve the activities of two Federal services, a Federal Agency and a Federal state institution, the author describes the history of developing the theory and improving the practice of efficiency management of Executive authorities of the Russian Federation, and identifies problems that should be studied and resolved in order to implement reforms that improve the effectiveness of the implementation of their powers. The principles and approaches to the organization of the work have become the basis of the ongoing scientific research, including the acquisition of knowledge and its development within a specific specialty-Economics and management of the national economy.


: 2289, : 710, : 28.

© 2007.