:   ..
:  81
:  2019
:   .. // . . 81. .: , 2019. .26-49. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2019.81.2
:   , , , , Mamdani
(.):  fuzzy inference system, rule base, production rule, contradictory statements of experts, Mamdani algorithm
:   , . . , . . , . . , , . , - - . .
(.):  The article proposes a method of forming a rule base for fuzzy inference systems when an expert group forms incompatible rules. The method is to include incompatible rules in the rule base, taking into account the value of the confidence coefficient. The value of confidence coefficient is calculated depending on the qualifications and number of experts who have proposed it. The proposed method was researched with numerical experiments. For one series of experiments, a fuzzy inference system has been developed, the rule base for which was obtained by interviewing a group of 10 experts. Using the proposed method, the confidence factors for each rule are calculated. During the experiments, it was shown that fuzzy inference systems have the greatest ability to classify various combinations of input parameters, which based on the rule base, where experts agree on the output values of the rules containing only the maximum and minimum values, and on the other combinations of the input variables proposed inconsistent rules. The proposed method should be used for the initial assessment of the element states of socio-technical or socio-economic systems. Additionally, the research results can be used for the analysis of the expert group opinions consistency.


: 2415, : 815, : 17.

© 2007.