:   ..
:  78
:  2019
:   .. // . 78. .: , 2019. .23-45. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2019.78.2
:   , , ,
(.):  distribution of roles, coalition of robots, swarm interaction, limited communications
:   . , . . , ࠖ, , , , . , . . , 100 . . . . .
(.):  The paper deals with the task of assigning roles to coalition robots with limited communications. The relevance of the use of robots coalitions, as well as the urgency of solving the role distribution problem in the coalitions of robots using the one operator - one group of robots scheme is shown. A formal formulation of the task of role distribution in the coalition of mobile robots is given. An analysis of existing approaches to the distribution of roles in groups of robots is given, such as solving the assignment problem by the Kuhn-Mankres algorithm, using the game theory apparatus, applying the methods of probability theory, the ant algorithm, and the method of propagating the control wave using a local conversion mechanism. An iterative approach to the distribution of roles in a group of robots, based on a decentralized management strategy and the principles of swarm interaction, is proposed. A method for the distribution of roles in coalitions of mobile robots and an algorithm for the actions of a single-party coalition robots implementing roles based on the proposed approach are described. The results of the study of the proposed approach, carried out with the help of computer simulation in coalitions of 100 robots in the distribution of three roles, are presented. The diagrams of roles distribution during iterations are given. The averaged results of computer modeling of the distribution of roles for different values ??of the radius of visibility of neighbors in the coalition are shown. The estimation of the error of the distribution of roles using the proposed algorithmically implemented method is made and a comparison with known approaches is carried out. The areas of possible practical application of the developed approach are shown.


: 2641, : 1458, : 9.

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