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: 77
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: 2018
: .. // . 77. .: , 2019. .85-124. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2019.77.5
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(.): attrition process, poison estimation, censored sampling, sequential analysis, fault detection
: , . . (), , . , , , . . . . .
(.): The paper presents research in the field of mathematical modeling of the economy of human capital and the life cycle of employees, as well as studying the dependency of the economic effects of business on these factors. The traffic of employees between the firm and the labor market is studied. The characteristics of the life cycle process of the employee (LCE), considered as the total time from the moment when the employee accepted the job offer from the company until he leaves the company. The materiality of the influence of the duration of the average work time in the firm, the duration of the employee's adaptation phase in hiring and the phase preceding the dismissal on the firm's economy is demonstrated. The process of dismissal of employees is analyzed by non-parametric methods. As a result, the impossibility of a highly reliable assessment of the probability distribution function of the employees time in the firm based on observations was shown. The procedures of statistic sequential analysis are proposed to identify the moment of change in the characteristics of the life cycle of employees - the probability of accepting job offers and the intensity of dismissal at will. The developed methods and the results obtained are illustrated by numerical examples from the authors practice in the field of human capital economics and personnel management.
: 2452, : 949, : 15.