:   .., ..
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:  74
:  2018
:   .., .. - - // . 74. .: , 2018. .63-80. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2018.74.4
:  - , , , ,
(.):  inertial satellite navigation system, noise immunity, optimum filtering, control, diagnostics
:   - () . , , , . , . .
(.):  The application of the equipment of satellite navigation system as a part of highly dynamic unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with breakeven inertial navigation satellite systems(INSS) demands to increase the noise immunity. The noise i n navigation information caused both electronic countermeasure equipment and failure functioning of equipment of consumers of satellite navigation system may be separate and parry. As indicator of failure data may be used Kalmans filter sequence of residual, normalized by her mean square deviation. This indicator can insure both noise-immune and adaptivity-robust systems state value.


: 2921, : 1021, : 15.

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