: ..
: 72
: 2018
: .. // . 72. .: , 2018. .108-137. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2018.72.5
: , , ,
(.): transportation infrastructure modernization, transportation hubs, robust optimization, mathematical programming
: . : 1) ; 2) , ; 3) ; 4) .
(.): This paper presents the problem of transportation hubs location with access to roads within the existing regional transportation system. In this problem the decision maker minimizes the total cost, which includes expenses for constructing transportation hubs, building access roads for different means of transport to transportation hubs and transporting cargo between clients and transportation hubs. The goals of this paper are: 1) to classify formulations of various transportation hubs location problems; 2) to review most recent scientific papers considering these problems; 3) to formulate a new problem of hubs location with access roads as a mixed-integer linear programming problem and robust optimization one; 4) to test a proposed model on a transport system of a part of Russia. Our numerical tests confirm that both mixed-integer linear programming problem and robust optimization problem stated in this article can be solved for real-size transportation networks via standard optimizations software on a personal computer in short time.
: 2950, : 1073, : 22.