: ..,
: 71
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: 2018
: .., .., .. // . 71. .: , 2018. .61-97. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2018.71.3
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(.): transboundary territory, public interests, private interests, interests combining, administrative mechanism, economical mechanism
: . , () . (, ). ( ). , - .
(.): This article is devoted to the research of administrative and economical mechanisms of combining of two neighboring territorial subjects interests. The control problem of resource allocation among developing its own territory and common transboundary one by two neighboring subjects is investigated. A special control agency (Coordinator, Center) is introduced for coordination of regions activity. Administrative mechanism is that Center assigns the minimal resource quantity, less of which the subject cannot to spend on transboundary territory developing. Economical mechanisms are investigated in two variants (the control of a participant in income share and resource allocation). A detailed analysis of these mechanisms is given, as well as an organizational and economic interpretation for specific problems of territorial management. Two cases of functions of public and private interests are considered: ) when the functions of subject developing and transboundary territory developing are concave; ) when the function of subject developing is concave power, and the function of transboundary territory developing is linear.
: 3018, : 1132, : 19.