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: 71
: 2018
: .. // . 71. .: , 2018. .6-44. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2018.71.1
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(.): agent-based modeling, autonomous agents, multi-agent systems
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(.): The article reviews various fields of application of multi-agent systems. At first, we briefly recall basic conceptions of multi-agent systems and previous reviews. Next, we discuss a few classifications of agents and multi-agent methodologies based on type of agent, ways of communication between agents, system complexity etc. Also, we list software tools for development of multi-agent systems. Then we consider examples of multi-agent models of different types in mechanics such as Lattice Boltzmann methods, non-classical computations (Physarum logics models). We continue with models from biology and medicine (models of tumor growths and epidemy) constructed as cellular automata with combined discrete and continuous rules. Then we describe applications of multi-agent systems in transport, telecommunications, warfare, simulation of robots' swarms and formations (world-space and agent-space cellular automata), in economics and sociology (models of opinion formation). So, we present discrete, cellular automata-like multi-agent models, the models of dynamical systems, for example, consensus models, and mixed models.
: 3254, : 1309, : 17.