:   ..
:  70
:  2017
:   .. // . 70. .: , 2017. .58-86. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2017.70.3
:   ,
(.):  scalable computing systems, their topological fault-tolerance
:   () . , . . . , . , , , , .
(.):  Problems of the analysis of topological fault tolerance of the scalable computing system and ensuring its sustainability to fault of the given multiplicity are considered. The measure of topological fault tolerance is offered, which connects the computing system topology with its potential parallelism for the given fault multiplicity. The relationship between the functions of topological scalability and topological fault tolerance is defined. The dependence of the minimum of a topological fault tolerance by the girth of the system graph is shown. Model of parallel computings, and functions of the topological fault tolerance and scalability are adapted to the existence of unique nodes in information topology of the solved task. A method for configuring fault-tolerant subsystems for a deficient topological fault tolerance of a computing system is proposed, while providing the preassigned fault multiplicity for the solved task is achieved by duplicating subsystems which are configured for less, than the preassigned, fault multiplicity.


: 3243, : 1100, : 20.

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