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:  68
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:  2017
:   .. - // . 68. .: , 2017. .137-161. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2017.68.6
:   , , -,
(.):  industrial expenses, output, "input-output" model, factors of a factor cost
:   . - . , . . . , . , , , , .
(.):  In this article, possibilities of use of the "input-output" V.Leontief' model for the description of interaction of group of the enterprises are analyzed. The analysis shows that direct application of this model is impossible in view of practical impossibility of realization in V. Leontief's model of the multiproduct approach. Generalization of this model that implements the multiproduct approach is offered. This generalization is performed in such way as to represent the real enterprise as a set of abstract enterprises, each producing only one kind of one product. This set of abstract enterprises, outputting the number of products equal to the number of the abstract enterprises, models the real enterprise outputting the same quantity of products. This generalized model is used as a core of optimization and imitation models, designed to research investment in industrial projects, carried out by groups of enterprises. An example of computing maximum output of producing 4 models of automobiles is given.


: 3278, : 1109, : 15.

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