:   ..
:  66
:  2017
:   .. / . 66. .: , 2017. .25-67. URL: https://doi.org/10.25728/ubs.2017.66.2
:   , , , , , ,
(.):  subject area, information system, conceptual model, conceptual structure, abstraction of concepts, knowledge base, knowledge representation
:   , . . , : , , . . . , .
(.):  Conceptual modeling is used for formal specification of domain knowledge and its integration into an information system. We describe an intelligent information system based on the conceptual domain modeling. The system consists of four layers: client, knowledge, logic and data. The knowledge layer is based on a conceptual model which consists of a conceptual structure and a content of concepts. A conceptual structure is specified as a set of concepts, which contains four abstractions: generalization, typification, association and aggregation. A content of each concept is specified by database tables. The significant difference between the proposed conceptual model and others is the description of the association not as a relationship but as an ordinary concept. This implies that the conceptual structure can be represented as a tree. And the information needed for knowledge-based inference is contained in the concept structure itself. We show that the semantic invariance of the conceptual interpretation improves technological and operational characteristics of the information system.


: 3604, : 1200, : 19.

© 2007.