:   . ., . .
:  58
:  2015
:   . ., . . / . 58. .: , 2015. .41-66.
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(.):  process modeling, dynamic control of processes, combined net-works of control and data, algorithmic models, theory of types, unresolved problems, universal algorithmic model of strong typing data.
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(.):  An approach is considered to dynamic process management based on the use of combined networks of control and data. Drawing a data flow and a control flow in a joint process diagram allows automatically generating the executable code for process control. A theory of types is developed to care for data types. The data are stored in the form of nested named lists. A combined network of control and data is shown to be a universal algorithmic model with strong data typing. Synthesis of a network for the given transfor-mation of data types is proved to be an algorithmically unsolvable problem. The use of combined networks of control and data can improve the quality of control in technological, manufacturing and organizational processes.


: 4177, : 1366, : 14.

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