: ..
: 56
: 2015
: .. / . 56. .: , 2015. .6-65.
: , , , - , , .
(.): lifecycle, extended enterprise, information model, scenario-forecast versus plan governing concept, enterprise architecture, architectural framework.
: (, , ) , (). () - . -. , -, . . - . - .
(.): The paper presents the concept of lifecycle management from the point of view of management in the extended enterprise which supports product (system, plant) lifecycle. Extended enterprise management studies are based on systems engineering and economics approaches.
Three main objects of lifecycle management are defined: the cooperation of participated enterprises; project program and product (system, plant) information model. Efficiency of lifecycle management is studied. Original architectural systems-economic framework is developed based on the previous analysis. The notion of proactive management is proposed, which utilizes the control concept scenario-forecast versus plan instead of actuals versus plan.
: 3946, : 1391, : 14.