:   . ., . ., . .,
:  55
:  2015
:   . ., . ., . ., / . 55. .: , 2015. .343-361.
:  - , , , , , k-, .
(.):  differential game model, dynamic Germeier games, compulsion, fish kill, k-means, efficiency, Azov sea
:   - . 1x 2x. , . k- , . .
(.):  We build and investigate a differential game of fish kill prevention in shallow waterbodies. The algorithms are suggested for information structures 1x and 2x in dynamic Germeier games. The problem is solved numerically by the developed parallel algorithm, which considers the structure of a supercomputer with distributed memory. The proposed algorithm uses the k-means method and essentially reduces calculation time. The above models and routines are used to forecast the change in biomass volume of biological populations in shallow waterbodies considering the requirements of sustainable development.


: 3607, : 921, : 8.

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