:   . ., . ., . .
:  55
:  2015
:   . ., . ., . . / . 55. .: , 2015. .326-342.
:  , , , , .
(.):  hierarchy, three-level control system, Stackelberg equilibrium, impulsion equilibrium.
:   , . : , , , , . , . . . .
(.):  A novel mathematical model is introduced to express activities of parties in a vertical marketing system. The parties are represented with a manufacturer, a mediator, and a trading enterprise. The relationship between the manufacturer and the mediator is governed by a commission contract. The manufacturer produces goods while the mediator represents her interests to the trading enterprise, and the trading enterprise sells products. The model is based on the game-theoretic and hierarchical approaches. A Stackelberg equilibrium considering the requirements of sustainable development is found. The impulsion method is used as a tool of hierarchical control when solving this model. A number of typical examples followed by the interpretation are presented.


: 3679, : 828, : 7.

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