:   . .
:  55
:  2015
:   . . / . 55. .: , 2015. .103-118.
:   , , , C-, , Cp-, ,
(.):  cooperative game, characteristic (coalition) function, imputation, core, minimal correction, balanced collection
:   , , . c C- - , . Cp- .
(.):  An approach is suggested for decision-making problems where players preferences result in the empty core of the cooperative game. The approach is based on a minimal correction of the initial model. We illustrate the idea on the cooperative game in the form of characteristic function with the empty core originated from the model of an unsustainable ecological-economic system, for which a correction is interpreted as a stabilization mechanism. We introduce the concept of Cp-core and explain its calculation.


: 3606, : 1023, : 6.

© 2007.