:   . ., . ., . .
:  55
:  2015
:   . ., . ., . . / . 55. .: , 2015. .17-34.
:   ; ; ; ;
(.):  economic evaluation; ecosystems of lakes; the assimilative capacity; water resources; rational nature management
:   ( ) ..-.., .. 25 . . . .
(.):  The mathematical modeling framework of lakes ecosystems (with Ladoga and Onega lakes serving as examples) was developed for more than 25 years by Professor L.A. Rukhovets and his team with main results published in the leading Russian and worldwide scientific journals and monographs. Development of economic mechanisms of water use management for large stratified lakes is a natural extension of these studies. We consider the abilities of existing mathematical models for numeric estimates of assimilation capacity of the greatest freshwater lakes.


: 3711, : 871, : 9.

© 2007.