: . .,
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: :
: 44
: 2013
: . ., . . : / . 44. , 2013. .381-407.
: , , , e-library, Web of Science, Scopus.
(.): scientometric indicators, statistical analysis of distributions, correlation, e-library, Web of Science, Scopus
: . - , Scopus, Web of Science, e-library. - . . , , e-library.
(.): Problems of scientometric indicators application to research performance assessment are discussed. We compare the impact factors of Russian journals using the database of scholar search systems Scopus, Web of Science and e-library and show that they are two times lower in average than those for the full sample. We consider some reasons for such a poor average result of Russian journals. Statistical analysis shows that high values of researchers scientometric indicators in international bibliographic and reference databases correlates with high values of those indicators in e library.
: 4956, : 1716, : 14.