:   C. .
:   ?
:  44
:  2013
:   C. . ? / . 44. , 2013. .280-291.
:   , , , , .
(.):  scientometric analysis, self-controlled humankind system, system memory of humankind, personal education level, system of scientific activity evaluation.
:  , , : , . , . /, . , , .
(.):  The problem specified in the title is reduced to that of scientometric analysis considered as an element of scientific activity within the frameworks of self-controlled humankind system functioning on the basis of optimization algorithms of hierarchic adaptive search. In this framework scientific activity acts as an element of search activity and scientific results represent the form of the system memory of the humankind. For the forms of system memory characteristic modification/fixation time periods were previously revealed. These time periods are also valid for the research activity. These considerations form the basis of the conclusion that the solution to the problem of permanent evaluation of scientists contribution cannot be based on short-term observation, but require mid-term or long-term perspective.


: 5009, : 1758, : 21.

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