:   . .
. :  0421200023\0024
:  37
:  2012
:   . . / . 37. .: , 2012. .250-268.
:   , , , EM-4H
(.):  electromagnetic relative positioning system, alternating magnetic field, magnetic dipole, EM-4H
:   , . , . , EM-4H, .
(.):  Calibration algorithms are introduced for an airborne low-frequency electromagnetic relative positioning system, which allow for more accurate measurement of a distance between the alternating magnetic field transmitter and receiver. Several problem settings are considered for different information sets used for calibration. Calibration results are presented for an electromagnetic relative positioning system integrated in aircraft-carried EM-4H system for airborne geophysical survey.


: 5045, : 1575, : 17.

© 2007.