:   . .
. :  0421200023\0015
:  37
:  2012
:   . . / . 37. .: , 2012. .25-62.
:   , , , ,
(.):  combat modeling, colonel Blotto game, Lanchesters equations, multi-agent system, hierarchy of models.
:   . , , , - . . , , .
(.):  Modern trends in the design of complex hierarchical models of combat are discussed. First the brief navigator of the mathematical models of combat (including descriptive, simulation, optimization and game-theoretical models) is given. Two canonical models and their extensions are considered in more detail, being the typical examples Lanchesters equations and colonel Blotto games. Finally, the hierar-chical approach to combat modeling is described and analyzed.


: 7303, : 3529, : 22.

© 2007.