:   . ., . .
:  36
:  2012
:   . ., . . / . 36. .: , 2012. .262-284.
:   , , ,
(.):  group of autonomous underwater vehicles, group behavior, planning, underwater local heterogeneities
:   . , , 3D- . () . . . .
(.):  A problem of search and size estimation of underwater local heterogeneities in a given area is considered. We introduce an approach to both localize heterogeneities and to estimate their dimensions and mass of substance dissolved. We suggest the method for planning work of a group of autonomous underwater vehicles /AUVs/, solving this problem. The corresponding discrete optimiza-tion problem is stated and two solution algorithms are considered. We also discuss a question of group actions re-planning in case of emergencies during an operation. The results of modeling for considered algorithms are provided.


: 5324, : 2019, : 12.

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